Challenge I thrivecommerce.comNLC Products (“NLC”) owns and operates five popular websites as well as produces 15-20 million catalogs annually collectively. The top two performing online brands, and Creative Irish Gifts, experienced increases in website traffic but shopper monetization didn’t scale proportionally. NLC’s eCommerce and marketing teams identified driving incremental revenue per user as their primary goal and aimed to achieve this by lowering site abandonment from shoppers leaving to search for deals and discounts.




Centralize Sitewide Offers

To increase shopper engagement through data-driven code-based and non-code based offers.

Showcase Personalized Offers

To improve the relevance of the individual shopping experience based on session behavior.

Enhance CRM

To enrich NLC’s customer database to increase Shopper lifetime value (LTV), feature a variety of offers which require contact information to qualify for an incentive.

“Thrive’s Smart Bar provided an immediate injection of personalized content onto the site, which translated into more engaged shoppers. The Thrive team made smart, data driven recommendations of what promotions to test and optimize with, and we were able to accomplish our goal of increasing sitewide revenue per user by 6.6% and 10.4% for Creative Irish Gifts and respectively.”

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