Thrive Commerce

ABLE Clothing | Case Study

ABLE Clothing Achieves 38x ROI

Company & Objective

ABLE Clothing ( is a Nashville-based brand focused on empowering both the women who make their products and the women who wear them. They are famous for their sustainable leather bags, handmade jewelry, and the best denim jackets you’ll ever buy.

ABLE was looking for a sophisticated digital promotions solution that would help drive conversions and shopper engagement. In addition, ABLE sought a personalized promotions solution that was agile, user-friendly, and customizable to suit their unique business needs.


ABLE sought to increase shopper engagement using targeted digital promotions but lacked the ability to easily publish promotions quickly and efficiently.

"We had Smart Bar live on within a week," David Wolfe, CEO at Able Clothing

ABLE wanted to have the ability to launch last-minute sitewide offers, extend promotions based on real-time performance and push specific excess inventory items to certain types of visitors. The Company’s cumbersome existing internal process involving a project manager, graphic design team and IT did not allow for the type of flexibility ABLE needed. Thrive’s easy-to-launch and unique Promotions Suite that enables personalized promotional content management across all stages in the user journey was just what ABLE needed

The Process

It started with an initial discovery call where Thrive Commerce closely understood the client’s challenges and business requirements and suggested Proof of Value (POV) A/B testing. The A/B test enabled ABLE to validate the immediate conversion benefits of Smart Bar promotional content. “We had Smart Bar live on within a week, as Thrive’s implementation process was a very light lift for our team,” explains David. “From POV to actual product launch, the onboarding support provided by Thrive Commerce’s Customer Success Manager was exceptional. She provided insights into how other customers have leveraged the platform, modifying learnings to tailor recommendations to our unique needs,” states David. Thrive Commerce’s reporting analytics feature was also a game-changer for ABLE. It offered more significant insights into which promotions customers are responding to and ultimately provided the ABLE team with much needed data to inform last minute promotions marketing decisions.

The Solution

Thrive Commerce’s Smart Bar delivered personalized offers to shoppers and was an instant hit with ABLE. “Smart Bar’s dynamic feature focuses on driving engagement and conversion and completely aligns with our need for internal efficiency, shopper engagement and maximizing profit margins. As Company leadership, I personally love Thrive’s ability to help us employ a very flexible promotions strategy based on our actual promotions and revenue performance without needing internal resources to execute effectively,” states David Wolfe, CEO at ABLE Clothing.

"Smart Bar’s dynamic feature focuses on driving engagement and conversion and completely aligns with our need for internal efficiency,shopper engagement and maximizing profit margins. "| David Wolfe, CEO at Able Clothing

38x ROI

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